Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Canada My New Home! Chapter Three

There is a big stir at Toronto Pearson Airport when our crates are unloaded from the airplane and placed in the cargo area. There are television cameras and journalists like my deceased master Anwar. I wonder if anyone is watching us in Egypt? Many journalists are interested in me knowing Anwar was my master. They know of his execution and are curious to see me.

I am very tired and so frightened I am shaking but I am also excited. The foster parents are picking us up to take us to their home. Are they kind masters and mistresses?  I am off the street for now. Are foster parents arrested in the middle of the night like Anwar was? I am a bit mixed up and so very tired. So tired.

A tall man with a beard and a lady come up to me and softly call my name. They attempt to pet me but I am afraid of stranger’s hands and feet as I was hit and kicked so many times in Egypt. I move back and give a little growl but they do not try and hit or kick me.

Oh it has been so long since I had a leash and collar! It feels good although strange. I have been a street dog for a few months but this leash and collar remind me of Anwar who is gone and I will never see him again until I go to The Land Beyond.

The man’s name is Anthony and the lady is called Susan. They give me a treat they called dried liver which tastes scrumptious. If I do what they say they are so happy and say, “Good boy Reggie” and sometimes even give me a treat. I think I would do just about anything for these liver treats! We all go to my foster parent’s car and there is a big blanket on the back seat and they put me on it saying we will be home soon. I have not had a real home in many months. I wonder if we can watch the BBC news every night like I used to do with Anwar.

I fall asleep in the car and wake up in front of a house so different than the houses in Egypt. Anthony and Susan have a green backyard full of plants and thick grass and I have a good roll in it and bark a thank you to these strangers. They show me their house and I have my own bed and blanket and my own bowl for water and food! I have a big drink of cold and clean water and I have some crunchy food they call chicken kibble.

We all go out for a walk and I pull hard on the leash. I am so excited to see other dogs being walked and many are happy to see me. They sniff me and wag their tails and some want to play. No one shouts or curses me. I am beginning to like Canada! But suddenly a big dog like the one who attacked me in Cairo barks at me and although I am terrified, I lunge and bark at him furiously. I have never lost my temper like this before. Susan and Anthony calmly pull me back knowing I was attacked and they say that they will protect me from all dangers and what happened to me in Egypt will never happen in Canada.

So, we go home and Anthony watches the BBC news and this makes me feel sad and happy at the same time. I fall asleep at Anthony’s feet. Soon it is time for bed and Anthony takes me out for a walk saying I should pee and poo outside. I understand this as this is what Anwar taught me.

I am looking forward to a sleep in my new bed and having clean water to drink anytime I want! As I fall asleep I think about all the dogs that were on the airplane with me. I am sure they do not understand English and I hope they are having a good time in their new country. I have only been here a few hours but I am finding out what feeling safe is like. But will I be loved? I do not know what foster parents are but I am certain I will learn.

I wake up howling in the dark in the kitchen where my bed is. Where am I? Are there soldiers at the door? Anthony comes down and speaks to me softly. I jump in his arms and he pats me and rocks me back and forth on the sofa. We both fall asleep and I now know I am safe in Canada.

Published by Robert K Stephen (CSW)

Robert K Stephen writes about food ,drink, travel, film, and lifestyle issues. He also has published serialized novels "Life at Megacorp", "Virus # 26, "Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog" and "The Penniless Pensioner" Robert was the first associate member of the Wine Writers’ Circle of Canada. He also holds a Mindfulness Certification from the University of Leiden and the University of Toronto. Be it Spanish cured meat, dried fruit, BBQ, or recycled bamboo place mats, Robert endeavours to escape the mundane, which is why he has established this publication. His motto is, "Have Story, Will Write."

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