“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog” : The Final Cut: Reggie’s Security Detail: Ollie the Pup Known as “The One with the Enlightened Nose”: Chapter Twenty Eight (28)

I warn you. Ollie is not a puffball like The Mookster but more of a cuddlekins. But get on his wrong side count your fingers before you meet his ire as when Ollie is pissed man that pup is on fire!

Ollie is in my hood like The Mookster and I love both those dogs almost as much as Dillie the Westie.

Ollie was born in Salmon Arm, British Columbia. Like The Mookster his past is a bit spotty and I am not referring to the spots on his coat. Ollie was a guide dog possessing a supreme hunting instinct. He was part of an illegal hunting guide operation for Chinese tourists looking for big game bears in Northern British Columbia. He could sniff out a bear two kms away and all those rich capitalist industrialists from the PRC always returned home with a haul of bear gall bladders and testicles which you can bet were never shared with the proletarians working in their factories. Ollie had such a reputation in Peking he was referred to as “The One with The Enlightened Nose” and the talk of the old boys’ clubs in Peking as the stories flowed about him in copious quantities as did the counterfeit Port. Exaggerated stories proliferated about his bravery like attacking a group of Grizzly Bears and biting off their heads and saving the Chinese hunters from a horrible death.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police busted the hunting ring and since he was a dog how could you sentence him to 12 years in the Big House? Ollie became a quasi mascot to Unit #65 of the RCMP in Salmon Arm. The squad realized, when they were not defending themselves from harassment charges on fellow female officers, that Ollie had a terrific sense of smell. That dog could smell Mooseburgers heading into the detachment twenty minutes before they arrived. And when the television crew from Peking arrived to report on the “detention” of “The One With The Enlightened Nose” the RCMP realized they had a valuable asset….a potential bomb sniffer. Ollie was “transferred” to RCMP headquarters nestled in Ottawa’s Red-Light District for bomb squad training. It was discovered Ollie had what corporate types referred to as “transferable skills” enabling him to sniff out not only Colombian blow but explosives and the rest is history.

On a protective security detail for the Grand Vizier of Albania he sniffed out the bomb but it exploded prematurely as those Albanians could never tell time properly and the explosive device was detonated 3 minutes earlier than planned. Ollie was felled with shrapnel to the eye.

Ollie was pensioned off and adopted in a furever home by Dunny Funkheiser and his wife Peggy-Sue (not the one that got married).

Given my Muslim “background” hence the potential for aggravating many extremist camps and their love of IED’s Ollie is my man….ooops…my pup.


Published by Robert K Stephen (CSW)

Robert K Stephen writes about food ,drink, travel, film, and lifestyle issues. He also has published serialized novels "Life at Megacorp", "Virus # 26, "Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog" and "The Penniless Pensioner" Robert was the first associate member of the Wine Writers’ Circle of Canada. He also holds a Mindfulness Certification from the University of Leiden and the University of Toronto. Be it Spanish cured meat, dried fruit, BBQ, or recycled bamboo place mats, Robert endeavours to escape the mundane, which is why he has established this publication. His motto is, "Have Story, Will Write."

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