“Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Our Second Disney Promotional Tour: Reggie Goes to Australia to Screen Test for Nicole Kidman’s New Movie: Reggie Prays with the Ayatollah in Tehran: Chapter Sixty One (61)

The sequel to “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog” has been released by Disney and it’s breaking all records yet again. Hard to guess the title? “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog 2”. Enough is enough for the time being.  We are tiring of these incessant and repetitive promotional tours. I heard Bob saying to Fay Dylan the Westie is getting older and is having difficulty keeping up with our schedule and that this time he should stay with Fay at home in Toronto. I hear Bob saying that he is also having difficulty as these tours are far from glamorous and rather grueling and he is not doing this for the money as he has already made millions and donated millions to rescue dog societies through Reggie’s Dog Foundation. He is doing it for the children that adore me Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog.

Disney has requested Bob write the next sequel to the film but he replied he will wait until the conclusion of the promotional tour to decide. Bob is running out of creative ideas. Huge flows of money may be threatened by creativity and that is more of a Disney than a Bob matter.

So off we go and thank goodness we will be flying again in the Disney corporate jet. I am not going to tell you all the 17 cities we visited but thank goodness we are going to Paris and Bob has insisted upon a three-day break there. I saw Versailles last visit and we are seeing Fontainebleau and eating in a couple of Bob’s favourite restaurants. I love L’Ami Jean with its nouvelle bistro cuisine and I’ll get a few pieces of beautifully cooked meat. The whole restaurant smells of deliciously cooked meat! As I said previously, “WE DOGS LOVE MEAT!” We are staying in the Penthouse of The Hot Pillow Joint near the Eiffel Tower on Rue George Litton. Bob takes me his quiet sanctuary in Paris, The Museum of Modern Art. Bob refuses to set foot in the Louvre and Musee D’Orsay as they are “rife with tourists”.

We have been invited to dinner with the big guy Ayatollah in Tehran. Iranian children adore me as I am a Muslim. A dog to look up to. A dog with accomplishments. In fact before that important dinner the Ayatollah and I are cutting (me biting) a red ribbon on a soon to be built “Reggie’s Tehran Dog Rescue Centre”. Bob has told me he is upset with Tehran’s human rights violations and is going to tell this to the big guy Ayatollah. And he did and the Ayatollah unexpectedly smiled and said as the country had settled a nuclear deal with the United States political tensions should be relaxed and the government was in the process of planning to release hundreds of political dissidents including Nasrim a famous human rights lawyer/activist. The Ayatollah invited me to pray with him before dinner which was an honour as I have never prayed with a cleric at my side.  In Haifa, Bob told the Israeli Prime Minister Israel he should really work on solving the Palestinian problem as its unacceptable actions against these people would forever seal a streak of desperation and hatred amongst the Palestinian people. In the politest terms he was told to mind his own business!

I miss Fay and Dylan the Westie but I have his blanket with me in my Winnipeg Blue Bombers bed I received from the mayor of Winnipeg at the most recent Grey Cup game so I don’t feel homesick! Yes we dogs can become homesick. I miss Fay and Dylan the Westie so very much. And Ollie and The Mookster too!

Bob and I return home to Toronto to a welcoming Fay and Dylan the Westie who was so excited he accidentally peed on the floor. I heard Bob and Fay talking over a bottle of wine from Galil Mountain Winery in the Golan Heights that Bob and I had visited. They winery has created a Reggie brand for their export market. My picture will be on the label. Bob tells Fay he is, pardon the expression, “dog tired” and that he has accepted Nicole Kidman’s offer (subject to a screen test) for me to co-star in her upcoming movie “How a Dog Saved My Life”. While on our promotional tour in Sydney, Australia for Disney we had dinner with Nicole who asked me if I wanted to do a screen test for the movie the next day which I did “bloody brilliantly” according to the director of the film and Bob was given the contract to review.

Nicole had found a beautiful house in Darwin in the Northern Territories which all of us could live in for 4 months while they were shooting the movie there. Dylan has a cameo appearance where the fierce Scottish Westie defends Nicole’s character from a poisonous snake attack! Bob and Fay also have a cameo appearance as an arguing Canadian couple in a restaurant Nicole is eating at. A family project and we will all be movie stars. Mr. Gordon Lightfoot is involved in the film as he is writing the opening track for the film. Russel Crowe will be doing my voice in the film. Penny’s friend from Beamsville, Ontario Mr. Martin Malivoire will be doing the special effects. We Canadians will be red hot in Australia.

After details of the movie are made public as we leave our Bridle Path home for our walk reporters are there asking all sorts of questions. We are in the spotlight again!

Published by Robert K Stephen (CSW)

Robert K Stephen writes about food ,drink, travel, film, and lifestyle issues. He also has published serialized novels "Life at Megacorp", "Virus # 26, "Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog" and "The Penniless Pensioner" Robert was the first associate member of the Wine Writers’ Circle of Canada. He also holds a Mindfulness Certification from the University of Leiden and the University of Toronto. Be it Spanish cured meat, dried fruit, BBQ, or recycled bamboo place mats, Robert endeavours to escape the mundane, which is why he has established this publication. His motto is, "Have Story, Will Write."

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