“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Reggie is Under the Spell of Nicole Kidman! Chapter Sixty Two (62)

On our flight to Darwin, Australia from Toronto we watched 6 Nicole Kidman movies and that lady can act. Bob says she has won an Academy Award. My favourite film is “Eyes Wide Shut” which took two years of filming and was it Kubrick’s last film? She is good looker too! And I am going to be living with her for 4 months in Darwin! If she looks at me I am going to melt. Dylan the Westie chortles, “You silly dumb pup!”

We landed in Darwin and a limo was waiting to drive us to our villa. It is a grand one with 6 rooms overlooking the ocean. It was once the home of the founder of Warrego Mines in Tenant Creek. Nicole will be arriving to join us a few days later.

After being in the air for 22 hours we are so tired we can hardly think. Bob and Fay summon up the last of their energy and take us for a walk in a beautiful neighbourhood which is close to a big beach. We head to the beach in the blazing sun. Bob loves the ocean so we go to the beach. OH NO there is a sign warning us of saltwater crocodiles and poisonous jellyfish! Although Dylan the Westie and I are tough I don’t think we could win a fight against these ferocious saltwater crocodiles.

It is blazing hot and thank goodness Dylan the Westie and I had Marine haircuts before we left. Our tongues are drooping!

So we head back to our villa and drink lots of water and are sound asleep by 6 p.m. and are woken up at 8 a.m. by the smell of bacon and coffee prepared for us by the day maid. There is fresh fruit galore. There are eggs and yogurt too. Dylan the Westie and I get our chicken kibble and drink lots of water. In this heat we dogs get very thirsty. That Aussie watermelon was so sweet!

Somewhat groggy we start our routine. Shooting of the film starts in 6 days so every morning Bob or Fay read me the script which I know by heart. We go for a late morning walk to the beach and we are all very nervous about being attacked by a crocodile or stepping on a poisonous jellyfish. We head back home for a lunch of grilled fish, green beans and salad. Dylan the Westie and I feast on a small plate of green beans. YUM!! We love our meat but we love most veggies some raw and some cooked.

Nicole Kidman arrives in a couple of days from Los Angeles. Her husband Mr. Urban is not with her as he is on tour in Europe and may join us later. I am not a big fan of his music like I am with the music of Mr. Gordon Lightfoot.

Nicole was born in 1967 so is younger than Bob and Fay. She is smaller than she looks on the screen and as tired as she is she’s a good looker! She speaks softly and talks to us dogs like Bob and Fay do. She is a bit shy. She knows all about me. Almost everything. She calls me her little star! I melt when she looks at me!

For lunch we eat grilled kangaroo and tender saltwater crocodile filets with a glass of Viognier from Australia for the humans. Bob told us Australia is a huge wine producer. Dylan the Westie and I get a chunk of the crocodile and kangaroo. Like chicken we say! WE DOGS NOW LOVE CROCODILE AND KANGAROO MEAT! We are down under as they say and are having a ball. I am a bit nervous about my role in the upcoming movie but Nicole exudes confidence and professionalism and promises me that she has my back! What a lady! She is grand! She is so tired she excuses herself to “crash out”. She can speak with an Australian or American accent but as she is in Australia she is speaking with the Australian accent. It is a bit funny not at all like Canadian or British pronunciation.

Nicole is up early in the morning and she takes us for a walk to show us around. Its a bit cooler in the morning so there a few people out for walks. Dylan the Westie and I are wearing our Hamilton Tiger Cats jerseys we received as a gift rom the mayor of Hamilton at the Grey Cup game. The locals smile asking Nicole is Hamilton in Zealieland?

Nicole sits us down and gives us a talk saying you see a crocodile stay away and run if you can. There are also poisonous snakes and spiders we must keep an eye out for. People do not recognize Nicole as she has no make up on and is wearing a big hat with sunglasses.

Nicole tells us we have a special “Canadian BBQ” tomorrow. Mr. Gordon Lightfoot who has composed the title track for our film is coming and as well Martin Malivoire and his wife will be joining us. Penny too!  Martin is doing the special effects. Russel Crowe who will be doing my voice is coming. I can’t believe this is happening. Pinch me. I must be dreaming. Before bed I say my evening prayers and I see a vision of my first master Anwar who is in The Land Beyond. He says to me “Merde” and pats me on the head. Merde is a word in France that means shit but when said to an actor it means good luck!

Published by Robert K Stephen (CSW)

Robert K Stephen writes about food ,drink, travel, film, and lifestyle issues. He also has published serialized novels "Life at Megacorp", "Virus # 26, "Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog" and "The Penniless Pensioner" Robert was the first associate member of the Wine Writers’ Circle of Canada. He also holds a Mindfulness Certification from the University of Leiden and the University of Toronto. Be it Spanish cured meat, dried fruit, BBQ, or recycled bamboo place mats, Robert endeavours to escape the mundane, which is why he has established this publication. His motto is, "Have Story, Will Write."

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