“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog” : The Final Cut: Cast and Crew Party for “A Dog Saved My Life”: Meeting Mel Gibson: Croc Protection and Poofy the Poodle: Nicole Kidman wants the Rat Pack to Meet Julian: Chapter Sixty Four (64)

Outside our villa by the pool is where the cast and crew party will be held. The menu will be steak, chicken, rabbit and saltwater crocodile filets. The Australians in Darwin call the saltwater crocodile “Salties”. Dylan the Westie, Penny, Bosco and I think we will score some meat! “We Dogs Love Meat!”. There are salads, lots of vegetables and Australian desserts one with a strange name “Impossible Pie”. There are many hot appetizers too.

Before the party 6 cases of Malivoire Wine arrive. 3 of Niagara Gamay and 3 of Niagara Chardonnay. It would be apparent that Martin Malivoire, the special effects guy for the film is behind this.

So the guests arrive rather quickly at 19:00 with Tasmanian sparkling wine flowing in great quantities.

Wait a minute do I see Mel Gibson coming through the door? His “Mad Max” film put Australian film on the world’s radar. Both Dylan the Westie and I love the rawness and stark reality of that film. In our film Mr. Gibson is playing Percival Digger, Alice’s third husband who smacked her around. Us dogs run over to Mr. Gibson and we give him a gentle bark. He compliments Dylan the Westie’s and my Hamilton Tiger Cats jerseys we are showing off. As Dylan the Westie and I are in the film he wishes us to “break a leg”!

Nicole is a beautiful woman but so far she has been in old jeans and a ratty T-shirt but now she is wearing a fancy dress with her make up on and she looks like a real movie star. I become a wee bit apprehensive thinking I’ll be her co-star. Can I do it? I hope she is not dressed all fancy when I act with her. I would like to think of her as a regular person not a movie star.

As the barbeques are heating up Nicole Kidman asks for attention and says, “Please Welcome Canada’s Gordon Lightfoot”. Mr. Gordon Lightfoot performs “Sundown”, “Carefree Highway” and “Early Morning Rain” to wild applause. He will be doing a 5 date Australian tour in a couple of days with shows in Perth, Sydney, Hobart, Brisbane and Melbourne and Bosco will be staying with us during his tour.

Big clouds of aromatic smoke drift over our heads. Us dogs are getting a special meal of chopped steak, crocodile filet, green beans, mashed potatoes and carrots. No chicken kibble tonight!

I am meeting so many interesting people many of whom have seen the two Disney films about me. The party wraps at 11 as the crew wants their beauty sleep!  Dylan the Westie had fallen asleep under the dessert table. Nicole and Fay take us for a walk. Bob has another piece of Impossible Pie with a “stickie” wine from Eradus winery in New Zealand. He is in deep discussion with Mr. Gibson about the brilliance of “Mad Max”.

By the time we return from our walk the caterers are packing up. I give increasingly focused attention about the dog bite in Cairo that sent me to the animal hospital. It was no coincidence as it is why I am in Darwin now having the time of my life. Allah, Buddha or God works in mysterious ways.

Man the Rat Pack is back! Bosco, Penny, Dylan the Westie and I are sleeping in the same room! I immediately crash out in my Winnipeg Blue Bombers doggie bed dreaming of giving the performance of my life with Nicole Kidman!

Nicole is out by the pool smoking a cigarette and calls me over. She advises me Poofy the Poodle will be arriving tomorrow for “Saltie protection”. The insurance company insuring the production of “A Dog’s Life” is demanding it. She also adds in a few days I would like you to meet Julian. Who is this Julian?

Published by Robert K Stephen (CSW)

Robert K Stephen writes about food ,drink, travel, film, and lifestyle issues. He also has published serialized novels "Life at Megacorp", "Virus # 26, "Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog" and "The Penniless Pensioner" Robert was the first associate member of the Wine Writers’ Circle of Canada. He also holds a Mindfulness Certification from the University of Leiden and the University of Toronto. Be it Spanish cured meat, dried fruit, BBQ, or recycled bamboo place mats, Robert endeavours to escape the mundane, which is why he has established this publication. His motto is, "Have Story, Will Write."

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