“Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Our Second Disney Promotional Tour: Reggie Goes to Australia to Screen Test for Nicole Kidman’s New Movie: Reggie Prays with the Ayatollah in Tehran: Chapter Sixty One (61)

The sequel to “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog” has been released by Disney and it’s breaking all records yet again. Hard to guess the title? “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog 2”. Enough is enough for the time being.  We are tiring of these incessant and repetitive promotional tours. I heard Bob saying to Fay DylanContinue reading ““Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Our Second Disney Promotional Tour: Reggie Goes to Australia to Screen Test for Nicole Kidman’s New Movie: Reggie Prays with the Ayatollah in Tehran: Chapter Sixty One (61)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The World Premiere of “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”; Chapter Thirty Two (32)

Bob, Fay and Dillie accompany me to Los Angeles flying on a Disney private jet for the world premiere of “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”. We are staying in a huge Beverly Hills mansion provided to us by Disney but all promotional interviews will be at The Ritz-Carlton Los Angeles. Security is heavy as BobContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The World Premiere of “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”; Chapter Thirty Two (32)”

Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Reggie Goes to Hollywood on the Disney Private Jet! Who is this Larry David Guy and What Type of Breed of Dog is Snoop Dog? Chapter Twenty Four (24)

I know that Bob is a writer just like Anwar my late master was. Little did I know he was writing a book about me Reggie! Who would be interested in a book about a cur like me? Bob thinks it is a children’s book. Fay laughs saying it is yet a nowhere and nothingContinue reading “Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Reggie Goes to Hollywood on the Disney Private Jet! Who is this Larry David Guy and What Type of Breed of Dog is Snoop Dog? Chapter Twenty Four (24)”