“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: On the Red Carpet: Larry David Smells Hostile: Bad News for Reggie and Dylan the Westie about Their Awards: Chapter Seventy Five (75)

Our limousines pull up in front of the Chinese Theatre. Cameras are wildly clicking. The paparazzi are busy this afternoon. Nicole and Mr. Urban are the honey and the press the flies. But as soon as we pull up behind Nicole and Mr. Urban we wait 60 seconds so as not to dull our buzzContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: On the Red Carpet: Larry David Smells Hostile: Bad News for Reggie and Dylan the Westie about Their Awards: Chapter Seventy Five (75)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Will the Canadians Shine at the Academy Awards? Go Go “A Dog Saved My Life”!!!: LD to Host Academy Awards! Chapter Seventy Three (73)

We had an uneventful flight from Dulles to LAX. Nicole had arranged for a limo to take us to her Malibu home and when we arrived at her spectacular home the housekeeper took us to the beach guest house and then returned with a huge platter of sushi. Nicole, Mr. Urban and their children FaithContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Will the Canadians Shine at the Academy Awards? Go Go “A Dog Saved My Life”!!!: LD to Host Academy Awards! Chapter Seventy Three (73)”

“Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Reviewing the Script of a “Dog Saved My Life” With Nicole Kidman: Paco Saves Nicole Kidman: Mr. Gordon Lightfoot’s New SMASH HIT: Chapter Sixty Three (63)

Before the big cast BBQ tomorrow Nicole (we are on a first name basis) convenes a cast meeting. To relax the atmosphere Mr. Gordon Lightfoot grabs his guitar out and sings “The Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald”. Bosco, Dylan the Westie, Penny and I are so pumped up! Are we dreaming? Mr. Gordon Lightfoot playsContinue reading ““Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Reviewing the Script of a “Dog Saved My Life” With Nicole Kidman: Paco Saves Nicole Kidman: Mr. Gordon Lightfoot’s New SMASH HIT: Chapter Sixty Three (63)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The Second Liberation of Reggie! The Power of the Rat Pack Secret Growl and ALLAH Bestowed on Dillie! Chapter Forty One (41)

My first liberation was facilitated by a Toronto canine rescue organization Snookie’s Rescue Society rescuing me from the bad streets of Cairo into the happier and more loving streets of Hog Town which I know now is the nickname for Toronto. As a dog I love pea meal bacon a real St. Lawrence Market specialty!Continue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The Second Liberation of Reggie! The Power of the Rat Pack Secret Growl and ALLAH Bestowed on Dillie! Chapter Forty One (41)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The World Premiere of “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”; Chapter Thirty Two (32)

Bob, Fay and Dillie accompany me to Los Angeles flying on a Disney private jet for the world premiere of “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”. We are staying in a huge Beverly Hills mansion provided to us by Disney but all promotional interviews will be at The Ritz-Carlton Los Angeles. Security is heavy as BobContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The World Premiere of “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”; Chapter Thirty Two (32)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog” : The Final Cut: Reggie’s Security Detail: Ollie the Pup Known as “The One with the Enlightened Nose”: Chapter Twenty Eight (28)

I warn you. Ollie is not a puffball like The Mookster but more of a cuddlekins. But get on his wrong side count your fingers before you meet his ire as when Ollie is pissed man that pup is on fire! Ollie is in my hood like The Mookster and I love both those dogsContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog” : The Final Cut: Reggie’s Security Detail: Ollie the Pup Known as “The One with the Enlightened Nose”: Chapter Twenty Eight (28)”

Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Reggie Has a Screen Test with ABC and Bob Meets with Big House Publishers: We Meet Famous Television Types Kelly and Mark: Chapter Twenty Five (25)

Bob, Fay and I travel to New York City to meet with ABC studio executives and Bob will check in with Big House Publishers about publishing his “Reggie” book. ABC has sent us first class tickets and I sit in a seat between Fay and Bob instead of under the seat as Bob is usingContinue reading “Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Reggie Has a Screen Test with ABC and Bob Meets with Big House Publishers: We Meet Famous Television Types Kelly and Mark: Chapter Twenty Five (25)”

Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Karim Tells us About Himself: Chapter Seventeen

My name is Karim and I think I am about three years old. I was born in Egypt like Reggie. I am part Schnauzer and weigh the same as Reggie which is about 18 pounds. All that delicious chicken kibble and of course the chunks of cheese that “accidentally fall” on the floor have plumpedContinue reading “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Karim Tells us About Himself: Chapter Seventeen”

Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Hurt Yet Again But I Am Tough: Chapter Eight

OK so Anthony and Susan have left me and I am now with Fay and Bob. Will I ever see them again? I felt safe with them and feeling safe is important for a dog and equally so for humans. I am not frightened because I have Fay and Bob by my side and IContinue reading “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Hurt Yet Again But I Am Tough: Chapter Eight”

Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog: Please Please Not Again!

My life with foster parents Anthony and Susan is so good. I am protected, loved, well taken care of and oh how I love that cold and clean water in my bowl they refill several times a day. And I happily receive a chunk of what they call a “bagel” or “English muffin” every morning.Continue reading “Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog: Please Please Not Again!”