Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ? February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain (Red Roses from British Film Director!)

Dearest Barbara: I am leaving here tomorrow. I think I can stop over in Nice. I will see if I can. I will write at once. I would like stay a week there. Diane, bless her heart phoned me yesterday morning. She will phone you upon her return. She is a very thoughtful girl. IContinue reading “Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ? February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain (Red Roses from British Film Director!)”

Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ?February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain and Amsterdam, Holland

Dear Boys; It’s Sunday and I have no doubt in the world. The church chimes started at 7 a.m. and rang every 15 minutes. They seemed to be saying AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT! Please do not throw out this envelope. I expect to be here for two weeks. Please write me TONIGHT and beContinue reading “Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ?February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain and Amsterdam, Holland”

Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: 4February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain: A $1 Lunch of Steak, Mushrooms, Spinach, Half a Bottle of Wine and Coffee

Dear Boys: Don’t throw envelopes out as I want to save the stamps. I am sitting in the sun and is 85 degrees. I wish I brought some lighter clothes. I have had such a nice time-today I visited the castle bult in 1300. I walked to it and it was a long one. IContinue reading “Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: 4February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain: A $1 Lunch of Steak, Mushrooms, Spinach, Half a Bottle of Wine and Coffee”

Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ? February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Dear Boys: Just having a rest before going down to dinner. Tired from all the walking I am doing. I went to the other side of the island with a couple my age. They are from New Jersey. We shared the expenses. Honestly, I have never seen such a beautiful country. The lemon trees areContinue reading “Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ? February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain”

Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ? February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Dear Barb: I went to the bank at 9:30 this morning to get my money situation fixed up and then I went to the market and bought 4 oranges huge and delicious for four cents. I ate some Mallorcian dish at a stand with a little beer for 39 cents. You should see this marketContinue reading “Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ? February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain”

Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ? February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Dear Barb: And what a night. V.T. the ATS hostess whom I insist you must write to thank for her being so good to me gave me a ticket to the welcoming BBQ for the incoming tour. A women’s conference. Sure pick the winners but some had their sons there. Mostly dear old women likeContinue reading “Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ? February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain”

Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ? February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Dear Barb: Just about ready to out to dinner with a couple I met. They are returning to New York tomorrow and they will mail this letter for me. My money came in today. I am staying here another week. I wish I could stay forever. There are only two flights a week to Amsterdam,Continue reading “Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: ? February1971: Palma de Mallorca, Spain”