“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Off to Hollywood for the Academy Awards! Stopping off to See President Biden First! Joe Grateful We Avenged His Trumpian Nickname of “Sleepy Joe”: New Chain “Noodles for Peace” to launch in North Korea: Chapter Seventy Two (72)

Nicole Kidman Productions Ltd. has sent a corporate jet to take Bob, Fay, Dylan the Westie, Mr. Gordon Lightfoot with our friend Bosco and Martin Malivoire to Los Angeles but our friend President Biden has asked us to stop at Dulles International in Washington to take a quick tour to the White House and toContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Off to Hollywood for the Academy Awards! Stopping off to See President Biden First! Joe Grateful We Avenged His Trumpian Nickname of “Sleepy Joe”: New Chain “Noodles for Peace” to launch in North Korea: Chapter Seventy Two (72)”

“Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Reviewing the Script of a “Dog Saved My Life” With Nicole Kidman: Paco Saves Nicole Kidman: Mr. Gordon Lightfoot’s New SMASH HIT: Chapter Sixty Three (63)

Before the big cast BBQ tomorrow Nicole (we are on a first name basis) convenes a cast meeting. To relax the atmosphere Mr. Gordon Lightfoot grabs his guitar out and sings “The Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald”. Bosco, Dylan the Westie, Penny and I are so pumped up! Are we dreaming? Mr. Gordon Lightfoot playsContinue reading ““Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Reviewing the Script of a “Dog Saved My Life” With Nicole Kidman: Paco Saves Nicole Kidman: Mr. Gordon Lightfoot’s New SMASH HIT: Chapter Sixty Three (63)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The New Rat Pack: The Mookster Speaks: Chapter Forty Six (46)

As The Mookster and a North Korean defector and ashamedly at one point a member of The Supreme Leader’s Ruling Cartel I have an intimate nature of the snakes in politics. I have an intelligence network second to none in fact far superior to the CIA. It could be because my sources are dogs allContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The New Rat Pack: The Mookster Speaks: Chapter Forty Six (46)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Reggie’s Security Detail: Kit Kat: Cary Grant Personality: Keen Film Set Awareness; Chapter Twenty Nine (29)

Kit Kat originally hails from Mozambique a key exporter of heroin and amphetamines into Portugal. Kit Kat was a messenger dog for the ISIS linked Al Shabab but what did Kit Kat know about politics and drug running? Was he facilitating narcotic distribution or extremism or both? Al Shabab ran drugs a key funding sourceContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Reggie’s Security Detail: Kit Kat: Cary Grant Personality: Keen Film Set Awareness; Chapter Twenty Nine (29)”

Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut

The Beginning or the End? Under the Rubble My name is Reggie. I was originally from Egypt. My complete story will unfold as you read further and it is quite a story of a small cast off “mutt” that had a pivotal role in the course of changing world history. From a loving owner inContinue reading “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut”