“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut :Canadian Grey Cup 108 Years! Reggie Pukes! Those Trudeau Children Fed Me an Entire Slice of Pepperoni Pizza or was it the Chunks of that Ivor Wynn Double Cheeseburger? Those Trudeau Children Fed Me an Entire Slice of Pepperoni Pizza or was it the Chunks of that Ivor Wynn Double Cheeseburger?

We headed to Hamilton, Ontario on Saturday night checking in at the Imperial Hotel the night prior to the big Grey Cup game on Sunday at Tim Horton’s Field. After being in so many European cities on promotional tours for the Disney film “Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog” I would say Hamilton is a bleakContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut :Canadian Grey Cup 108 Years! Reggie Pukes! Those Trudeau Children Fed Me an Entire Slice of Pepperoni Pizza or was it the Chunks of that Ivor Wynn Double Cheeseburger? Those Trudeau Children Fed Me an Entire Slice of Pepperoni Pizza or was it the Chunks of that Ivor Wynn Double Cheeseburger?”