RKS 2024 Film: “Sometimes I Think About Dying”: Triple Captivation

“Sometimes I Think About Dying” offers viewers triple captivation. Daisy Ridley as Fran captivates. The offbeat musical score captivates. The inventive and tight directing and writing captivates.

Fran is a most uncaptivating woman. Awkward, isolated, lonely and seemingly unable to make any meaningful human connection. In the midst of fellow workers at a small office she is the perpetual outsider nervously intertwining her feet when forced into any human interaction. And the incessant lip touching. She dreams of her death. Your interest begins to steamroll and Fran becomes entirely captivating as a spectator sport. What is it that causes this massive disconnect? Can she snap out of it? Like a moth to the flame, she draws you in almost obsessively. Ridley excels in the role of an introverted if not helpless character. You, like Fran, are almost fingering your lips in nervous anticipation as she meets a new office worker Robert Naser (Dave Merheje). Finally in fits and starts she transcends her alienation struggling to make a connection with Naser. Her anger is the first true emotion shown.

The musical score suits the quirky beat of the film. In fact it is captivating.

The writing and directing is equally captivating.

A beautiful and moving performance by Carol (Marcia De Bonis) as the retiring office worker simply must be flagged.

Limited theatrical run in Canada started on 9February2024.

Directed by Rachel Lambert.

RKS 2024 Film Rating: 94/100.  

Published by Robert K Stephen (CSW)

Robert K Stephen writes about food ,drink, travel, film, and lifestyle issues. He also has published serialized novels "Life at Megacorp", "Virus # 26, "Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog" and "The Penniless Pensioner" Robert was the first associate member of the Wine Writers’ Circle of Canada. He also holds a Mindfulness Certification from the University of Leiden and the University of Toronto. Be it Spanish cured meat, dried fruit, BBQ, or recycled bamboo place mats, Robert endeavours to escape the mundane, which is why he has established this publication. His motto is, "Have Story, Will Write."

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