RKS 2024 Film: “I Used to be Funny”: A Filthy Snake in the Grass Bites a Comedian: Absolute Naturalness

The Canadian film titled “I Used to Be Funny” seems incompatible with the progression of the film but hints and innuendos are dropped along the way Hansel and Gretel fashion that taunt the viewer to determine why comedian Samantha Cowell (Rachel Sennott) is no longer funny as at the outset Sam is funny dropping oneContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: “I Used to be Funny”: A Filthy Snake in the Grass Bites a Comedian: Absolute Naturalness”

RKS 2024 Film: “Accidental Texan”: Zorba the Greek Meets Good Old American Values

“Accidental Texan” is one of those feel-good movies and we all require one of those every once in awhile. Erwin Vandemeer (Rudy Pankow) is an aspiring actor on his first substantial role filming in New Orleans but he destroys the opening scene and is promptly fired. His agent drops him. His acting career may beContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: “Accidental Texan”: Zorba the Greek Meets Good Old American Values”

RKS 2024 Film: “EARLYBIRD”: Theatre and Life Lessons

Mike (Joshua Koopman) owns a struggling small theatre playing it safe presenting “known plays” like “Romeo and Juliet” attracting small audiences but small is better than playing riskier productions that may fail to attract any patrons. Jerry, the landlord of the theatre premises, advises Mike when his lease expires in two months he will haveContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: “EARLYBIRD”: Theatre and Life Lessons”

Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Reggie Goes to Hollywood on the Disney Private Jet! Who is this Larry David Guy and What Type of Breed of Dog is Snoop Dog? Chapter Twenty Four (24)

I know that Bob is a writer just like Anwar my late master was. Little did I know he was writing a book about me Reggie! Who would be interested in a book about a cur like me? Bob thinks it is a children’s book. Fay laughs saying it is yet a nowhere and nothingContinue reading “Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Reggie Goes to Hollywood on the Disney Private Jet! Who is this Larry David Guy and What Type of Breed of Dog is Snoop Dog? Chapter Twenty Four (24)”

RKS 2023 Film: “Black Stone”: Greek International Film Festival Tour of Canada (GIFFT): Fake Documentary: Tragedy, Comedy, Mystery and the New Realities of Greece

2023 will be the third year for GIFFT and it is packed with full length, short films and documentaries from Greece or films produced by Greeks outside of Greece. The Greek film industry has developed to a level of excellence over the last 10 years and here is a chance for Canadians to immerse themselvesContinue reading “RKS 2023 Film: “Black Stone”: Greek International Film Festival Tour of Canada (GIFFT): Fake Documentary: Tragedy, Comedy, Mystery and the New Realities of Greece”