“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The Lights Dim and We Are Live at the Academy Awards! Riot Police Called as Larry David Attacked by Penny and Bosco: Reggie Becomes a Swiftie: Chapter Seventy Six (76)

We hold our breath as the nominees for best song are announced. And the winner is…….Gordon Lightfoot for “Paco A Girl’s Best Friend”! Mr. Gordon Lightfoot grabs Bosco and me under his arms and carries us on the stage. He has 90 seconds to speak to the world. “I would like to thank the Academy.Continue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The Lights Dim and We Are Live at the Academy Awards! Riot Police Called as Larry David Attacked by Penny and Bosco: Reggie Becomes a Swiftie: Chapter Seventy Six (76)”