RKS 2024 Film: “Hidden Master: The Legacy of George Platt Lynes”: A Photographic Grand Queen

George Platt Lynes (1907-1955) is the subject of a documentary shortly to be released in United States theatres entitled “Hidden Master: The Legacy of George Platt Lynes”. His story is recounted by a former lover, art historians, museum curators, former models, family members, former employees, film directors, gallerists and most importantly his photographs and correspondenceContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: “Hidden Master: The Legacy of George Platt Lynes”: A Photographic Grand Queen”

RKS 2024 Film: Hot Docs 2024: “A Photographic Memory”

Should I simply refer to the American documentary “A Photographic Memory” as rich, eerie, extensive, thorough, melancholic, uplifting and intriguing? Or might I say it is going to be remembered as one of the best Hot Docs 2024 documentaries? Considering the enormous sums I am paid to review films, the mind-boggling swag bags that flowContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: Hot Docs 2024: “A Photographic Memory””

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Bloodbath on the Beaches of Darwin! Fatalities, Missing Limbs and Trauma: Chapter Sixty Six (66)

The Ratpack have braved dangers of all sorts but frankly we are terrified of Salties as Winston in “1984” was terrified of bright lights. In fact we are scared shitless. Fast, unpredictable and jaws that can gobble up and swallow a dog whole. Sunday is the crew’s day of rest. We usually hang around theContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Bloodbath on the Beaches of Darwin! Fatalities, Missing Limbs and Trauma: Chapter Sixty Six (66)”

“Travels to a Different Time” : 16July2005 Nazaré/Obidos/Albacoca, Portugal:

I was the first to wake up at 08:00 so while the rest of the crew was sleeping I caught up on my diary while sitting outside on the veranda overlooking the town and the ocean. Good to hear the rooster crowing as it has been sometime since I had heard that sound. In theContinue reading ““Travels to a Different Time” : 16July2005 Nazaré/Obidos/Albacoca, Portugal:”

“Travels to a Different Time”: 14July2005 Coimbra, Portugal: Difficult Roundabouts!

After another long sleep jet lag has been defeated. I was up at 08:00 working on this diary and the rest of the gang up at 09:30. I read a description about the history of Quinta Lagrima where we are staying including the grisly murder of Innes de Castro and the revenge of her loverContinue reading ““Travels to a Different Time”: 14July2005 Coimbra, Portugal: Difficult Roundabouts!”

Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: 16July1971: Othos, Karpathos, Greece: At a Village Party!

Dear Barb: You would never believe the setting. I am sitting at an outdoor café with just two tables with a fat Greek lady clothed in head to toe in black with a black scarf all around her head and neck. We were invited by a lady, Poppy, to visit her in a small villageContinue reading “Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: 16July1971: Othos, Karpathos, Greece: At a Village Party!”

Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: 9July1971: Hvar Island, Yugoslavia: A STARK NAKED MAN SMOKING A PIPE!

I was up at 6 this morning. I went to the market to buy, cucumbers, peaches, bread and sliced meat for breakfast. ROB GOT UP, ATE AND WENT BACK TO BED. It is 10 now and very bright and sunny and becoming a hot day. I am sitting outside on the patio with the lastContinue reading “Travels to a Different Time: Travels of My Mother: 9July1971: Hvar Island, Yugoslavia: A STARK NAKED MAN SMOKING A PIPE!”