RKS 2024 Film: A Freebie from the Visual Communications Archives: “And God Loves Gays Too”

“And God Loves Gays Too” is a 10-minute short 2009 film directed by Michi Tanioka. The narrator intervenes two parishioners of an Asian American church located in California about how their church views homosexuality. Parishioner Marian Sunabe explains how a “conversation” occurred between the pastor, herself and a gay man named Gary. Marian had beenContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: A Freebie from the Visual Communications Archives: “And God Loves Gays Too””

RKS 2024 Film: “ Praying For Armageddon”: The End of the World…..Again

Watching “Praying For Armageddon” what struck me was the look of the Christian fundamentalists in this documentary. I thought for a moment these were the same faces and personalities as in the “Freedom Convoy” which descended in Ottawa on 22January2022. Ostensibly their protest centred on COVID governmental restrictions on individual liberty but were much broaderContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: “ Praying For Armageddon”: The End of the World…..Again”