“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Reggie is Up for an Academy Award! Dancing with Mr. Gordon Lightfoot in the Kitchen: Malivoire, Lightfoot, Kidman, Dylan the Westie and Reggie up for Oscars! Chapter Seventy One (71)

Needless to say, Bob, Fay, Dylan the Westie and I were floored when we received a call at lunchtime from Nicole Kidman in Los Angeles. “A Dog Saved My Life” is nominated for the best picture, Nicole Kidman for best actress, Mr. Gordon Lightfoot for best song, Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog-Russell Crowe for best actor and Dylan the Westie-Rick Mercer for Best Supporting Actor. Martin Malivoire was nominated for best special effects. To put it politely we are knocked on our ass big time in sheer delight. 30 minutes later Mr. Gordon Lightfoot is pounding on our door and we let him in. We all do a crazy dance like maniacs in the kitchen. We are going to Los Angeles!!!! Some of us could be kissing Oscar’s bald head with billions watching. Nicole insists that we all stay at her Malibu home prior to the ceremony with her husband Keith Urban, their oodle Julian and that includes Bosco and Mr. Gordon Lightfoot. We are going to party like it is 1971!

The film grossed a relatively small 275 million USD but received high critical praise. Tubby Tubeman’s review from the New York Grimes was a crucial in warming up the United States critics and audiences.

“Tubby Tubeman

“A Dog Saved My Life” delivers an enchanting and heart-warming story about a dog named Paco (Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog) that saves Alice Springs (Nicole Kidman) from moral and spiritual destruction and perhaps even death.

In what could be a maudlin storyline Kidman soars above the mundane delivering a performance beautifully tinged by angst and desperation and in effect is saved in both body and spirit by mixed breed Paco a street dog from the Dominican Republic. It may be difficult to not have tears rolling down your face several times during the film. Her chemistry with Paco is a laser beam of trust and hope. This may be Kidman’s best performance ever. You’ll be eyes wide open watching this film.

Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog makes his first appearance on the big screen although you know he has been featured in two animated Disney films and on an ABC sitcom. He has hobnobbed with high political and religious figures including being very close friends with Joe and Jill Biden. His world maturity and savvy is evident in the film as his every move seems a reflection of Kidman’s mood. Watching those two is nothing short of a massive treat that at times both breaks your heart and makes you want to cheer. Russell Crowe as the voice of Paco is measured and he picks up his voice beautifully to match with Paco’s predicament.

Dylan the Westie plays a small 10- minute role for what originally was to be a thirty second performance but director Darren Mann on intuition films added an extra 9 extra minutes to Dylan the Westie’s performance as he said he was captivated by both the wisdom and empathy in Dylan the Westie’s eyes. He is an old dog. He delivers a performance of an experienced actor as a wise Dominican street dog that takes Paco under his wing and gives him moral guidance not as we humans might expect it to be in but in a rather innovative and doglike fashion if such is possible.

Canadian veteran songster Gordon Lightfoot’s moody but very catchy song “Paco A Girl’s Best Friend” lifts this rather quirky film to the highest heights possible. Martin Malivoire adds some seamless and stunning special effects throughout the film including an unforgettable sea crocodile fight between Paco and the reptile. Malivoire quite frankly insured this film would be a massive success given his spectacular special effects work.

I never thought one of these ‘dog is man’s best friend” films would sweep me off my feet but I am knocked on the ground moaning, “GIVE ME A SEQUEL!”

Dylan the Westie has previously won a Nobel Peace Prize for Literature which he shared with his master Bob but may I dare say he may be on the podium again along with Crowe to receive a best supporting actor award at this year’s Academy Awards”.

Published by Robert K Stephen (CSW)

Robert K Stephen writes about food ,drink, travel, film, and lifestyle issues. He also has published serialized novels "Life at Megacorp", "Virus # 26, "Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog" and "The Penniless Pensioner" Robert was the first associate member of the Wine Writers’ Circle of Canada. He also holds a Mindfulness Certification from the University of Leiden and the University of Toronto. Be it Spanish cured meat, dried fruit, BBQ, or recycled bamboo place mats, Robert endeavours to escape the mundane, which is why he has established this publication. His motto is, "Have Story, Will Write."

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