RKS 2024 Film: A Freebie from the Visual Communications Archives: “Gio: A Man Wonderfully Created”

“Gio: A Man Wonderfully Created” is a 2015 American 7.5-minute short film. Gio Carneal, the son of a southern Baptist minister experienced a hostile and bully ridden 1970’s childhood. Self medication with alcohol and drugs leads to his turning to a gay bar where his newfound sense of community and his desire for full acceptanceContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: A Freebie from the Visual Communications Archives: “Gio: A Man Wonderfully Created””

RKS 2024 Film: A Freebie from the Visual Communications Archives: “And God Loves Gays Too”

“And God Loves Gays Too” is a 10-minute short 2009 film directed by Michi Tanioka. The narrator intervenes two parishioners of an Asian American church located in California about how their church views homosexuality. Parishioner Marian Sunabe explains how a “conversation” occurred between the pastor, herself and a gay man named Gary. Marian had beenContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: A Freebie from the Visual Communications Archives: “And God Loves Gays Too””

RKS 2024 Film: A Freebie from the Visual Communications Archives: “Comfort Girls”

“Comfort Girls” is a 5-minute short film. The “Comfort Girls” initially appear in a Japanese garden in traditional Korean garb and sing before military officers of nations that have shaped the fate of a divided Korea. The officers sit at a table to a feast ravenously and disgustingly devouring food. The traditional quickly disappears andContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: A Freebie from the Visual Communications Archives: “Comfort Girls””