“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Thank You for Sharing My Journey: Chapter Seventy Eight (78)

My original intention was assisting Bob in the preparation of a children’s book about my time in Cairo as a street dog and my traumatic journey to Canada as a “rescue dog”. Just a few simple pages! However that intent I had was formed at a younger point in my life. My life was muchContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Thank You for Sharing My Journey: Chapter Seventy Eight (78)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog” : The Final Cut: Reggie Goes to the Land Beyond and Meets Allah: Chapter Seventy Seven (77)

Shortly after returning from our restaurant openings in North Korea I began feeling strange. Suddenly I lost my sense of taste and smell. My beloved chicken kibble stated to taste like sawdust. My cool clean Canadian water tasted metallic. When out for a walk I had difficulty in smelling where to leave my pee mail.Continue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog” : The Final Cut: Reggie Goes to the Land Beyond and Meets Allah: Chapter Seventy Seven (77)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The Lights Dim and We Are Live at the Academy Awards! Riot Police Called as Larry David Attacked by Penny and Bosco: Reggie Becomes a Swiftie: Chapter Seventy Six (76)

We hold our breath as the nominees for best song are announced. And the winner is…….Gordon Lightfoot for “Paco A Girl’s Best Friend”! Mr. Gordon Lightfoot grabs Bosco and me under his arms and carries us on the stage. He has 90 seconds to speak to the world. “I would like to thank the Academy.Continue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: The Lights Dim and We Are Live at the Academy Awards! Riot Police Called as Larry David Attacked by Penny and Bosco: Reggie Becomes a Swiftie: Chapter Seventy Six (76)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: On the Red Carpet: Larry David Smells Hostile: Bad News for Reggie and Dylan the Westie about Their Awards: Chapter Seventy Five (75)

Our limousines pull up in front of the Chinese Theatre. Cameras are wildly clicking. The paparazzi are busy this afternoon. Nicole and Mr. Urban are the honey and the press the flies. But as soon as we pull up behind Nicole and Mr. Urban we wait 60 seconds so as not to dull our buzzContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: On the Red Carpet: Larry David Smells Hostile: Bad News for Reggie and Dylan the Westie about Their Awards: Chapter Seventy Five (75)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Red Carpet at Academy Awards! Here We Come! Who is Wearing What? Chapter Seventy Four (74)

We have a quiet breakfast in our Malibu beach house prepared by Nicole’s housekeeper followed by a walk on the beach and poor Bob gets a sunburn so his face looks like a cherry! Bob looks like Charles Aznavour with his mug burnt to a crisp. Bob is Mr. Lobster for a few hours thenContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Red Carpet at Academy Awards! Here We Come! Who is Wearing What? Chapter Seventy Four (74)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Will the Canadians Shine at the Academy Awards? Go Go “A Dog Saved My Life”!!!: LD to Host Academy Awards! Chapter Seventy Three (73)

We had an uneventful flight from Dulles to LAX. Nicole had arranged for a limo to take us to her Malibu home and when we arrived at her spectacular home the housekeeper took us to the beach guest house and then returned with a huge platter of sushi. Nicole, Mr. Urban and their children FaithContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Will the Canadians Shine at the Academy Awards? Go Go “A Dog Saved My Life”!!!: LD to Host Academy Awards! Chapter Seventy Three (73)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Reggie is Up for an Academy Award! Dancing with Mr. Gordon Lightfoot in the Kitchen: Malivoire, Lightfoot, Kidman, Dylan the Westie and Reggie up for Oscars! Chapter Seventy One (71)

Needless to say, Bob, Fay, Dylan the Westie and I were floored when we received a call at lunchtime from Nicole Kidman in Los Angeles. “A Dog Saved My Life” is nominated for the best picture, Nicole Kidman for best actress, Mr. Gordon Lightfoot for best song, Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog-Russell Crowe for bestContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Reggie is Up for an Academy Award! Dancing with Mr. Gordon Lightfoot in the Kitchen: Malivoire, Lightfoot, Kidman, Dylan the Westie and Reggie up for Oscars! Chapter Seventy One (71)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Our North Korean Experience: On Tour in North Korea: The Call of Nature for Dylan the Westie Just About Sends Him to the Gallows: A Warning for The Mookster: Chapter Seventy (70)

After our sumptuous feast with Kim and his sister we return to our hotel. It has been searched in our absence. Bob leashes us up and takes us for a walk. There are no people on the streets. There is no pee mail in this town of Pyongyang. Could it be all the dogs, aContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Our North Korean Experience: On Tour in North Korea: The Call of Nature for Dylan the Westie Just About Sends Him to the Gallows: A Warning for The Mookster: Chapter Seventy (70)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Off to North Korea! Prime Minister Trudeau Calls Me a Flea-Bitten Mutt! Sipping Drone Cocktails: Will Kim Jong Un be Invited to the Next Canadian Grey Cup Game? Chapter Sixty Nine (69)

After we wake up and have our bowl of kibble and a half cup of jasmine tea in our water bowl Bob takes me and Dylan the Westie aside and informs us we have a call with President Joe Biden at 2 p.m. What is going on with Joe? At 2 p.m. we have aContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: Off to North Korea! Prime Minister Trudeau Calls Me a Flea-Bitten Mutt! Sipping Drone Cocktails: Will Kim Jong Un be Invited to the Next Canadian Grey Cup Game? Chapter Sixty Nine (69)”

“Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: “A Dog Saved My Life”: It’s a Wrap! Chapter Sixty Eight (68)

Four months after our arrival in Darwin we have finished shooting “A Dog Saved My Life”. I worked almost every day and enjoyed every minute of it with Nicole Kidman ensuring my proper hydration as she said this Australian sun can suck the life out of you. I admire the dedication of Nicole as throughContinue reading ““Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”: The Final Cut: “A Dog Saved My Life”: It’s a Wrap! Chapter Sixty Eight (68)”