Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Vacation Time! We Shack Up with Penny at the Oban Inn! Only Malivoire Wines for Us! Chapter Fifty Eight (58)

I have travelled the world promoting the Disney film and Bob’s novel “Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog”, receiving a Nobel Peace Prize and meeting the Pope and all sorts of politicos. I think Dylan the Westie and I have peed and pooped all over the world. But at times it is a blur and itContinue reading “Reggie the Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Vacation Time! We Shack Up with Penny at the Oban Inn! Only Malivoire Wines for Us! Chapter Fifty Eight (58)”

RKS 2024 Film: “Our Time to Be Kind”: Of Tears and Trust: Of Science and Hysteria

“Our Time to Be Kind”, a Canadian documentary, is ostensibly a profile of Dr. Bonnie Henry the Provincial Health Officer of the Canadian province of British Columbia during that time of COVID pandemania where science and hysteria co-existed. As a Torontonian, British Columbia is a 5-hour flight away but Dr. Bonnie Henry was often onContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: “Our Time to Be Kind”: Of Tears and Trust: Of Science and Hysteria”

RKS 2024 Television: Turner Classic Films: “The Power of Film” Series

Turner Classic Movies (TCM) is premiering an all-new original documentary series, The Power of Film, which explores some of the most popular and memorable American films of all time. New episodes of the six-part series will premiere every Thursday beginning January 4 at 8pm ET. Hosted and curated by renowned UCLA professor emeritus, founding chair ofContinue reading “RKS 2024 Television: Turner Classic Films: “The Power of Film” Series”

Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Karim Tells us About Himself: Chapter Seventeen

My name is Karim and I think I am about three years old. I was born in Egypt like Reggie. I am part Schnauzer and weigh the same as Reggie which is about 18 pounds. All that delicious chicken kibble and of course the chunks of cheese that “accidentally fall” on the floor have plumpedContinue reading “Reggie The Egyptian Rescue Dog: The Final Cut: Karim Tells us About Himself: Chapter Seventeen”

RKS 2024 Film: “There is a Monster”:  I Have Seen This Monster

Jack Terry (Joey Collins) is a successful commercial photographer. He is on the verge of an enormously successful series of shoots. Everything is going his way except his relationship with his wife Carol (Ena O’Rourke) which hit the skids after a brief drunken fling with a model he was photographing. Jack frequently sees a monsterContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: “There is a Monster”:  I Have Seen This Monster”

RKS 2024 Film: “Some Other Woman”: The Women are not the Problem Here! Who is Taking Over Whom?

With the camera on a Caribbean Island a female narration sets forth a legend of the island with a backdrop of two women in a life and death struggle in the water. The island legend is of a fisherman is on his boat with his beautiful pregnant wife and encounters a storm which tosses hisContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: “Some Other Woman”: The Women are not the Problem Here! Who is Taking Over Whom?”

RKS 2024 Film: “Fireworks”: Hunting Rabbits and Homosexuals

“Fireworks” is set in a small Sicilian town in 1982. The film has a rabbit hunting scene at its beginning and near its end and at its end the last hunt is left to your imagination. Teenager Gianni (Samuele Segreto) is a shy fellow working as a mechanic for his stepfather. Gianni has had someContinue reading “RKS 2024 Film: “Fireworks”: Hunting Rabbits and Homosexuals”